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Student Diversity & Belonging: The Men & Masculinities Program


Welcome to the Men & Masculinities Program website! Click the continued reading link to learn more about our program & initiatives.

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Men & Masculinities Program Presents: Men of Color Success Initiative

The Men of Color Success Initiative

Take a look at our Men of Color Success Initiative Program! Check out our MOCSI page for more info and how to get involved.

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For the latest updates on M&M events, programs, and ways to get involved, sign up for our newsletter. Click Continued Reading below to sign up!

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Follow us on Instagram at @menandmasculinities for the latest updates on M&M, what's going on in our CP community, and our educational content.

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Gold Divider Line



Thank you for visiting our page and learning more about us!

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Mission Statement

The M&M Center exists to provide a supportive, inclusive, and empowering space for men and people who experience diverse and intersectional expressions of masculinity. We aim to foster a community where discussions, partnerships, and events relating to masculinity can take place openly and constructively. 

Gold Divider Line



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